ACE Governance
The Academies for Character and Excellence was formed in June 2016 as a private company limited by guarantee. The Academies for Character and Excellence has three levels of governance, to hold the CEO to account, and to ensure that the Trust operates as a charity and as a limited company should do in line with its Articles and Funding Agreement.
The Members meet formally at least once a year at the AGM and also attend various Trust events that are held at our ACE schools during each academic year. Members are similar to a company's shareholders - they sit above the board of trustees and their key functions include:
Overseeing the achievement of the Trust’s charitable objectives;
Taking part in Annual and Extraordinary meetings;
Appointing directors and holding them to account;
Signing off the company’s financial accounts and annual report; and
Having the power to amend the articles of association of the company and ensuring that they reflect the needs of the Academy Trust.
The Trust Strategic Board meets 6 times a year and forms the board of trustees overseeing the day-to-day running of the Trust. It approves policies and procedures, and holds the CEO to account for performance and outcomes across our ACE schools.
To assist the Board in this work the Board have set up three sub-committees.
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee - to check that the Trust complies with all relevant legal obligations and regulations, both financially and operationally and in line with its Funding Agreement. The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee also recommends an annual budget and monitors this during each academic year.
Flourishing for Excellence - to provide high level scrutiny and monitoring of the curriculum, quality and standards for all children in every ACE school.
Excellence for Culture & Ethos - to provide scrutiny and challenge and support the Trust’s overall strategy, ensuring ACE’s values, culture and ethos are at the centre of its endeavours, valued and lived, whilst being innovative in its approach.
The Board of Trustees has legal responsibility for the running of the Trust. The main responsibilities are to:
To provide strategic leadership, ensure appropriate engagement, are collectively accountable and receive assurance.
Ensure the quality of educational provision;
Monitor the performance of ACE Schools and challenge where necessary;
Effectively manage the ACE finances;
Take care of ACE property interests;
Ensure that staff are managed appropriately;
Operate The Academies for Character and Excellence in accordance with the Funding Agreement; and
Ensure the Trust is operating in line with its vision, values and mission.
Local Advocate Boards (LAB) are a sub-committee of the Trust Board and have specific duties delegated to them by the trustees. Local advocates meet in-person 4 times a year, including the annual ACE Governance Conference and examine the performance of each school in detail, holding the Headteacher to account. The Trust Scheme of Delegation is found on our documents page. Advocates hold link roles in Safeguarding, SEND and Estates, Health & Safety and part of their role is to monitor the progress and impact of these areas.
There are eight elements to effective governance:
The right people around the table;
Understanding the role and responsibilities;
Good chairing;
Professional clerking;
Good relationships based on trust;
Knowing the school – its data, staff, parents, children and community;
Commitment to asking challenging questions; and
Confidence to have courageous conversations in the interests of the pupils.