Network of Teams
How does our organisation enable us to fulfil our mission?

We have developed a ‘network of teams’ approach where potential leaders are identified and provided with opportunities to lead a project across the Trust supported by a highly experienced and effective coach. Colleagues from across the schools are bought together to work on this project, usually encompassing a mix of experience and roles.
Trust Improvement Groups have been created for each of the roles working in our schools. Colleagues holding similar roles come together to share best practice and to innovate together. These groups collaborate to drive our strategy.
Subject leaders and ‘champion teachers’ work together on developing subject and curriculum expertise and provide models of outstanding pedagogy to share within and across schools. Our Trust Safeguarding Lead works with all Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy DSLs from across the Trust and also supports schools with more complex child protection cases, collaborating with other agencies and with families to ensure that all children are safeguarded.
Our ‘Healthy Communities’ lead has worked tirelessly to build partnerships within the Trust and with external organisations to drive forward our strategies around Healthy Lifestyles and service to the community.